With all of the turmoil, bad news and unknowns that surround us every day in our world, with all of the stress over money and the increased cost of every basic essential in our lives, with all of the shortages and struggles to even find the things we need and the things we took for granted as being easily accessible, with all of the worries that we face every single day, the thought of self reflection, healing and self love all seem like laughable concepts during these uncertain times, but I feel they are just as important as ever. Even if you have to force yourself to stop and check in with yourself, it is important to do so each and every day! What are you blessed with? Every day provides a new opportunity to take a look at your life and really see the blessings that are around you. For me, I am blessed with a secure job that allows me to provide a home for my children and thankfully that job was not impacted by this pandemic. I am thankful for the love I ...