Tonight, I noticed a scar on my ankle that has been with me most of my life. A scar that is so much a part of me that I actually forget about it. I was probably 5 or 6, Miranda's age, and was being a kid and cut my ankle on a broken glass bottle. It also started my brain a thinking...I have another scar on my knee that I'd rather forget about. It's a scar from an accident that could have ended much worse and thankfully did not. I have a scar on my eyebrow that reminds me of a domestic violence situation that I very much want to forget, but also could have ended up much worse. I now have a few new scars that I struggle to accept, but they are also a part of my story. It also doesn't even begin to cover the internal scars, the emotional scars that are a little harder to heal and escape from. Tonight, I was thinking about how much these scars have impacted me. Over time, they become just another part of me. But it's a part of me that taught me many lessons!...