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Showing posts from October, 2020

Self Love

We all are in need of a little self care and lots of self loving! Anxiety, depression and every little thing we cannot control can be a very heavy burden. A burden that weighs us down.  A burden we sometimes do not know how to overcome.  Today, I was so overwhelmed with life! I had a rare opportunity to listen to music, dance a little, take a hot bath, and write.  Life is a crazy mess and in the midst of the hustle and bustle we sometimes loose the opportunity to ground ourselves and love ourselves, imperfections and all!  I started my day feeling like a brick was sitting on my chest.  I am in the process of learning how to take those moments for what they are, just moments!  After those moments pass, I feel like I am a very lucky person.  I have so many things and people to be thankful for. Have I faced loss, have I faced hardships, have I faced more struggles than I care to talk about - yes, yes and yes!  But I have realized that all of those ha...

The Sound of Rain

There is just something about the sound of rain after a nice, warm spring day.  There are very few things that can compare, except for the smell of the air and the sound of the birds rejoicing in said rain!  Oh and the belly laughter of kids who are enjoying life in ways we adults have long forgot about.  The rain comes and washes away the dirt and sorrows of the Earth and brings new life, a renewal to the dry, dusty days before.  It is refreshing and brings hope that better days are ahead.   History has proven that there are years where we experience an abundance of rain and years where we experience a lack of.  All of which give us hardships in their own way, as well as a test to our faith and patience.  It's a cycle of the Earth.  It's a give and take relationship that Mother Nature and God do to restore balance.    I have always been most comfortable in nature and I tend to be a highly emotional person more times than I...