We all are in need of a little self care and lots of self loving! Anxiety, depression and every little thing we cannot control can be a very heavy burden. A burden that weighs us down. A burden we sometimes do not know how to overcome. Today, I was so overwhelmed with life! I had a rare opportunity to listen to music, dance a little, take a hot bath, and write. Life is a crazy mess and in the midst of the hustle and bustle we sometimes loose the opportunity to ground ourselves and love ourselves, imperfections and all! I started my day feeling like a brick was sitting on my chest. I am in the process of learning how to take those moments for what they are, just moments! After those moments pass, I feel like I am a very lucky person. I have so many things and people to be thankful for. Have I faced loss, have I faced hardships, have I faced more struggles than I care to talk about - yes, yes and yes! But I have realized that all of those hard moments made me the person I am now. While it will never make those things any easier, I am a very spiritual person and believe that at the end of the day, I am here for a reason whether I know the reason why or not! If you have the opportunity to completely unwind, take a moment to reconnect with yourself and what you really enjoy in life - Do It - listen to music so loud that no one understands, dance like no one is watching and most importantly - Love yourself!!
A little over a month back, I blogged about a health scare and being your own best health advocate. Fortunately I was able to update everyone that the initial biopsies came back cancer free. That is still true today, however, after going forward with an additional biopsy at the recommendation of my doctor, I did get a final diagnosis of Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia (ADH), which is considered a pre-cancerous stage of abnormality. I was very much overwhelmed with that diagnosis and kind of buried my head in the sand this past month. My Dr. recommended that the lumps be excised (basically a lumpectomy) with the goal of making sure there was no cancer hidden within the lumps that the biopsies somehow missed. I went ahead and scheduled the surgery but also kept my follow up appointment to give me a month to process the information and allow me an opportunity to discuss any follow up questions I had. That appointment was yesterday and here is where I am at ...
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