This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
This is a bible verse that has always seemed to resonate with me, not only on days when I am struggling to make sense of my life, but also on days when the sun is shining and I feel nothing but love and happiness. There is a park bench that I frequently walk by that has this verse on it, which is where it hits home for me the most. When it's nice out and when my schedule allows, I try to walk during my lunch breaks, frequenting the same path and the same bench as I am a creature of habit and always take the same route. There are days when I use this time to stew about one thing or another that may be going on, trying to release a little stress and not dwell on whatever it is that is bothering me. On those days, I look at that bench, recite this verse and try to still my mind for a moment! On those days this verse reminds me that no matter what struggles I am facing, no matter what is going on in my life - God has my back. God allowed me to wake up another day, I am clearly healthy enough to be walking by this bench, and I just need to take a moment to be grateful for that day regardless of anything else that may be going on. It also reminds me not to spend too much of my time fretting about what tomorrow will bring, but rather to just enjoy the moment; enjoy this one day and find something to rejoice and be glad in.
On days when the sun is warm, my heart is completely happy and at peace with the world, I look at this verse slightly different. I look at it and I don't have to remind myself to take a moment, but rather I am already there rejoicing and seeing that bench and seeing that verse, it just makes my smile all that much bigger knowing that I am truly glad in this day. While my life is by no means perfect and many days I struggle just to get through the day, it does help to remember these warmer days in particular. The days where it takes no effort at all to rejoice and be glad in the day that the Lord has given us, because it's an amazing reminder on those harder days that no struggle lasts forever, it is only temporary and there will always be brighter days ahead. And during those harder days, just remember that this too is a day the Lord has made and really take a hard look at your life and find something to rejoice and be glad in.
Without the storm, there can be no peace in the sun!
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