Every single day you are faced with choices, you are faced with struggles and you are faced with, well...life itself. Life is demanding and some days it is so very hard. Something that I am starting to learn and something that I try to tell others is to find a few things that you are thankful for each and every day! You wouldn't believe how much that transforms your mindset and puts a new perspective on your challenges. Here are the things I am thankful for this day:
My Friends: They will forever be my happy place, they ground me, they lift me up, they encourage me and they always let me know how much I mean to them. There isn't a single time I leave them feeling nothing but loved with a great big hug to send me on my way. And I really needed that after the few weeks I've had lately.
New Experiences: I am learning to let go a little at a time and I am slowly lowering the walls that surround me. I am a very closed person who gives off a rather grumpy vibe at times, but I am slowly learning to be more open to changes and experiences that can teach me more about myself as well as the people around me.
Kindness: Not everyone can be kind, but I try to encourage my kids to be kind and I am learning to be kind too, even with the hardest people I encounter. I've learned from my own experiences that you really don't know what people are going through and the angriest, rudest, saddest people are dealing with their own problems and a bit of kindness could really make all of the difference in their world and maybe even put a smile on their face, even if for a moment.
Love & Forgiveness: This one goes hand in hand for me, especially today. I love myself, I love God, I love nature and I love Good people and I am learning to be open with that love. I am also learning that sometimes part of loving yourself is also forgiving yourself for hurting others along your journey. Since I've also encountered my share of hurt, a part of me thinks that hurt is also a catalyst to growth. While I never ever want to hurt a single person in this world, I do realize that sometimes you will regardless of how hard you try to avoid it. But maybe that's part of their journey too.
Me: I am Thankful for My Life - I am at a point where I am open about the really real things I am going through and I am hopeful that I can offer some encouragement along the way.
Self Awareness: Ahhh this one is a biggie! I have a lot of work to do on myself including patience. I am also not so naive to think that I have every single thing in this world figured out, because I certainly do not. I do know that I am growing every day in some areas but falling short in others and I will never ever pretend that my life is perfect, but I am attempting to address my shortcomings and heal my heart the best that I can while still being a good person!
The Obvious: My kids - including all of the people that are helping me to raise these stubborn, strong, resilient kiddos! My Health!!! The roof over my head and the food in my cupboards/fridge and the job that provides for those things! My Family! Beautiful skies, bike trails and the birds and animals that we are fortunate enough to enjoy! The Sun, The Moon, The Clouds! Flowers and Music!
There is so much to be Thankful for, some days it is harder to see the Good in your life but there is always something. Once you start acknowledging the good things and being thankful, you wouldn't believe the positive impact it will have on your entire life. There will still be hard days and sad days, but being Thankful will allow you to bounce back from those days even stronger than before. Start each and every day being Thankful - amazing things will start to happen!
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