On a very impulsive whim, I decided to book myself a weekend trip to Florida. For the past several weeks I had seriously been thinking about jumping on an airplane and just going somewhere, anywhere, to get away! Ironically, it wasn't until I had a very amazing conversation with someone about being adventurous that it dawned on me how unadventurous I really am and how much I would like to change that. I am not a very big risk taker and it sometimes takes me forever to make important decisions, spending hours upon hours researching, thinking of the pros and cons, changing my mind a million times but something inside of me was inspired and motivated to just go out there and do something I have always wanted to do - see the Ocean! So I booked the trip!
At first, I wasn't sure if I would go through with it and I almost talked myself out of it a hundred times. But in the end, I went. I was a little intimidated taking this trip by myself, but I made a conscience decision that I am no longer going to let life pass me by without truly experiencing the things that I want to experience. Life is so short and I don't want to sit around waiting for life to happen, but rather I want to go out there and live life to the fullest!
I made absolutely no concrete plans other than travel and hotel arrangements. I flew out on a Friday morning, getting out of Iowa just before a winter storm was set to arrive. I made a point of talking to everyone I crossed paths with and really enjoyed getting to know people I never would have met otherwise. I spent my entire Saturday on the beach just mesmerized by how big the Ocean really was, it was a very humbling experience to walk along the beach next to something so beautiful, so big and so powerful. I collected sea shells, I played in the sand and I just took in every beautiful moment that I was there. The trip was short, but the memories are going to last me a lifetime.
I came home to a frozen car, frozen water lines and a sick kid but I took it all in stride. This trip was so very empowering and everything I needed in my life right now. I came home feeling centered, confident and so very happy and in love with my life. I woke up today with a huge smile on my face, I laughed and sang, I faced each challenge today with a happy and positive attitude. I feel rejuvenated on so many different levels - emotionally, physically and spiritually!
The biggest lesson learned is even if it scares the heck out of you, do it anyway - you just never know whose path you will cross, what things you will experience and what amazing memories you may not have otherwise.
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