There are a thousand and one reasons why I hate this virus right now, but the number one reason came from a conversation with my Grandfather! He is 91 years old. He has lived so many years, most of them healthy, strong and vibrant. I'd often brag about how he was still cutting his own firewood and generally the most healthy person I have ever known. Over the the last few years he has struggled with the beginning stages of dementia and is confused more and more each day. Tonight I received a call from him so very worried about whether his affairs were taken care of and whether he was prepared...
My heart broke in a million pieces and I told him how much I love him and told him he had nothing to worry about! I am not the most open with my feelings and often times have a hard time expressing what I really mean to the people I care about the most, but telling him how much I loved him absolutely scared me. I promised I would be out to see him soon, but what if I can't! This man played the most important role in my life and I am very scared that I may not have that many more years left with him.
At the end of this day, he is still physically ok, at least to the extent that a 91 year old man can be - so I have faith and hope that I will still have many more memories with him. It was a conversation I wasn't quite prepared for tonight but really gave me a lot to think about. He came from an era that had their fair share of struggles and sacrifices, and I came from a somewhat entitled and spoiled generation. In the end, I pray that we all know the sacrifices the generations before us gave, the struggles they endured and appreciation for what we are blessed with in this life. Maybe that is the lesson we all need to learn right now - be thankful for what we have even if it wasn't like it was before, don't take for granted the luxuries we have overwhelmingly been blessed with and get back to a place of love, kindness and gratitude. Our lives are turned upside down right now but if you think of how many times that has happened to our older generations and how they overcame and continued with their new norm, we can do this too!
Much love to you all, we are all in this together! We will endure this and come out stronger in the end - there is a pot of gold at the end of each rainbow!! Be grateful for all that we do have!!
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